martedì 13 dicembre 2016

Step 17 - Brevetti

Ferrophosphorus containing match head formulations     

US 5259899 A
Numero di pubblicazioneUS1329537 A
Tipo di pubblicazioneConcessione
Data di pubblicazione3 feb 1920
Data di registrazione20 mag 1919
Data di priorità20 mag 1919
InventoriJohn R Mardick
Assegnatario originaleJohn R Mardick
Esporta citazioneBiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan


Match head formulations suitable for the production of safety matches and matches that may be struck anywhere are described in which chromium compounds, sesqui-based phosphorus compounds, sulphur compounds and oxides of zinc are absent. In their place is described the use of either amorphous phosphorus or, in the case of match head formulations suitable for the production of safety matches, an iron phosphide known as ferrophosphorus. These formulations are environmentally friendly both in manufacture and use. Environmentally friendly match head formulations which may be brightly colored are also described.


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